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2D, 3D & VR Animation News

Austin Visuals

cartoon character animation where a 3D reporter character explains a situation in a downtown location about an event on Live coverage - Production Companies

Top 120 Video Production Companies in the US

By Austin Visuals Blog

Jobs in the Production Companies If you’re looking for a job in the production industry, you can do so by contacting media companies. These production companies are the in-house production arms of major broadcasting monoliths. They take care of all aspects of a project, from hiring talent to finding locations. There’s no need to hire a separate production company for…

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Bank explainer video with an agent setting up the bank's digital operations revenue, security stability and expense for business review

How Much Does a Bank Explainer Video Cost?

By Austin Visuals Blog

There are many factors that affect the cost of a Bank Explainer Video. A professional video company can charge as much as $25,000 for a video and it may take several months to complete the project. By contrast, a freelancer can create an Explainer Video in a matter of weeks, for a cost of $500 to $2,000 or less. We…

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Lady Augment Reality graphic artist specialized in creating digitalized graphic designs

What are motion graphics?

By Austin Visuals Blog

Examples of Motion Graphics in TV Motion Graphics are an important part of TV. Since its early days, TV has used motion to set the mood for a story, introduce technical information, and create the brand of a channel. In addition, they are increasingly being used as virtual backgrounds, forecast screens on news, and the opening of TV shows. Today,…

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Augmented Reality in Manufacturing analyst discussing how real q project works and why it is necessary for their project

Top 5 Benefits of Augmented Reality in Manufacturing

By Austin Visuals Blog

Trevor W. Goodchild Augmented reality (AR) is revolutionizing manufacturing right now and anyone working in the industry knows how competitive the market is. Augmented reality is a combination of digital and audiovisual elements that connects the real and digital worlds, displaying an enhanced version of the world around us. A large number of companies have taken the leap and integrated…

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