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2D, 3D & VR Animation News

Austin Visuals

Austin Videographer preparing his video recorder camera for the next shoot

Choosing an Austin Videographer

By Austin Visuals Blog

Choosing An Austin Videographer When it comes to hiring an Austin videographer, you should be aware that the cost of hiring a professional videographer can be a bit pricey. You can often get great deals working with a Travis County freelancer. With the Texas climate being warm most of the year, it’s easy to find a good videographer without breaking…

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is your hospital on facebook ? an animation of a building lighting up the word hospital

Is Your Hospital On Facebook?

By Austin Visuals Blog

Are you using Facebook for marketing your hospital? If not, you are missing out on an incredible opportunity. Many people are now using social media as their primary means of communication. These are some ways to engage customers on Facebook. You should also feature members of your staff. You could, for example, highlight a charity event or showcase photos of…

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combining stock video and 2D animation for storytelling with animated kids on different colors

Stock Video And 2D Animation

By Austin Visuals Blog

Combine Stock Video And 2D Animation When creating a story, combining stock video and 2D animation is a powerful tool. These tools can work together to tell a story. You can enhance your story with artistic animation or moving images without losing the integrity of text and images. The result is a more engaging, dynamic, and informative story. These tools…

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2D Animation and Motion Graphics visualizing their differences from one another in a 2d graphic picture

2D Animation and Motion Graphics

By Austin Visuals Blog

what’s the difference of 2D Animation and Motion Graphics ? Two primary differences exist between 2D animation and motion graphics. Both require the creation of 3D characters by hand and can be expensive. Both methods can be effective in certain situations. However, the disadvantages outweigh any benefits. While the former is more cost-effective and takes fewer steps than motion graphic,…

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Untitled design

Every Video Is An Explainer Video

By Austin Visuals Blog
An explainer video has several benefits for a company. It engages audiences by explaining the complexities of a product or service in a way they can understand. It is also one of the most efficient ways to promote a product or service. A video is easier to understand and remember than text articles. Hence, every video is an explainer video!...
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a medical doctor holding up a laptop checking on her scheduled visits at the hospital

Medical Advertising Agency

By Austin Visuals Blog

Things to keep in mind when you choosing a Medical Advertising Agency There are many options if you’re looking for a medical advertising agency. Some agencies specialize in specific therapeutic areas like oncology and rare diseases. Other agencies specialize in a broad range of healthcare categories, like cosmetics, over-the-counter products, and more. A medical advertising agency offers a variety of…

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