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Best Animation Companies to Work For

Best Animation Studio to work for - Austin Visuals

If you’re looking for the best animation jobs in the world, you’ve probably wondered which companies are the best to work for. There are a wide variety of companies to choose from, but we’ll focus on the top three below. These are the animation giants that you should know about. They produce some of the most popular animation shows on TV and are a great place to work if you love the industry.


Pixar is a famous animation studio with a long history. They’ve been making films for many years and are still going strong. They’re among the best animation companies to work for, so it’s no wonder they’re one of the best. Here are the pros and cons of working for Pixar. Hopefully this article will help you choose an employer based on their reputation for making great movies.

Austin Visuals

Austin Visuals is one of the best animation companies to work for. With a talented team, cutting-edge technology, and a collaborative work environment, we create exceptional animated content for clients. Join Austin Visuals for a rewarding career in the animation industry.

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Studio Pierrot

If you’ve been interested in a career in the animation industry, Studio Pierrot might be the right place for you. Based in Japan, this legendary animation studio is the birthplace of famous anime series like Naruto. Owners Kazuo Umezu and Yuji Nunokawa have created a world-class production team and have a great track record. If you’re interested in working in this industry, here are five tips to consider.

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    If you are looking for an animation studio where you can be creative and have fun, Laika is the place to be. Founded by former Pixar animator Travis Knight, the company is now a leading force in stop motion animation. Vinton had been with Pixar for nearly two decades and was the man behind the creation of such iconic characters as the squid and the owl. As president and chief animator of Laika, he made sure that everyone in the company was given their fair share of creative freedom.

    Sony Animation

    If you’re looking for an amazing place to work as an animator, you might want to check out Sony Animation. The studio has several high-profile projects coming up, including upcoming sequels to Harry Potter and SpongeBob SquarePants, and some of the most popular cartoons of all time. As of today, the studio has over 900 employees and is expanding rapidly.


    Tim Burton’s Tim Burton Productions

    If you are a filmmaker who loves to use animation to tell stories, then you’ve probably wondered if Tim Burton’s Tim-Burton Productions are a good fit for your career. Although Tim Burton started his career as an animator for Disney, he soon developed a distinct style of his own. His films often feature unique characters, and his art style is highly distinctive. His fascination with Gothic art is evident in his films. Tim Burton’s work is also the basis of his biopic, Ed Wood, which details his life from childhood to his death.

    Marketing and Animation Jobs | AustinVisuals

    Are you a Marketing Professional and looking for Marketing Jobs in Austin? Are you an Animator expert or Digital Artist? At Austin Visuals 3D Animation Studio, we are always looking for the most outstanding, talented artists and individual people to work with us on a permanent, or freelance basis. We also have a wide range of internships and volunteer positions frequently available. We invite you to become an associate member of our team today! -Astin Visuals 3D Animation Studio Team

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