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Austin Visuals Blog

3D Animation News. Austin Visuals Blog is the largest animation blog on the Internet, presenting news about animated films, cartoons, 3D Graphics, and CGI technology.

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Subject Lines to Emails

By Austin Visuals Blog
6 Subject Lines to Emails Opened and Read 1. Go Personal   A great way to magnetize your audience is to share yourself deeply.  Having subject lines to emails that suggest the content will reveal a bit about you and your story is a surefire way to get your audience that resonates with you hungry for more. This holds especially true…
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Slimer - Ghostbusters


By Austin Visuals Blog
  Read possible antidotes to Ghosting and Share Your Ghost Stories Boo.  I’m the client (ghosting) you made a proposal to, the guy who didn’t pay his bill,  the person you met at a networking event or “connected” with on LinkedIn, the prospect you worked so hard to engage with new ideas and special offers, or the hiring manager who said…
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A Bug's Life - Flik

Why We Love Animated Movies

By Austin Visuals Blog
We have seen some incredible animation movies in recent times!   Who can forget the first few minutes of the 2015 movie – Minions? Wasn’t it hilarious when the minions try to save their Evil Masters from all perils and end up being the cause of their doom? The first few moments of The Ice age, with Scrat running to…
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