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Austin Visuals Blog

3D Animation News. Austin Visuals Blog is the largest animation blog on the Internet, presenting news about animated films, cartoons, 3D Graphics, and CGI technology.

3D computer graphics - Animation Studio

Maintaining Your Online Security: 8 Strong Ways to do it – Austin Visuals 3D Animation Studio Reports

By Austin Visuals Blog
We've recently seen that digital privacy doesn't really exist - a case in point being the recent NSA leaks from whistle-blower Ed Snowden in regards to online security. It's been shown that Facebook, Apple, Google, Microsoft, and more companies have all given direct server access not only to various US intelligence agencies but also to the federal government at large.…
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Public Relations - Logo

Using Animation to Market your Business

By Austin Visuals Blog
Using Animation to Market your Business: 4 Ways to Do It - Austin Visuals Reports Animation is certainly not new. Many people have been enjoying animated feature length movies for years now. Did you know, though, that animation can also be used for an excellent marketing tool? You don't have to make something with the quality of a Disney movie, but…
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Art - Federal Courthouse Plaza

New York Animator – Austin Visuals

By Austin Visuals Blog
New York Animator - A miraculous and monumental work of stained glass is now housed at the United States Courthouse in Austin, Texas.  The wall is about 28 feet square. weighs almost 6,000 pounds, and is designed by acclaimed New York-based artist Clifford Ross. Perhaps most importantly, essential to this installation is MAXON's CINEMA 4D product, which provides the artist…
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Harnessing Computer Animation Transform Your Marketing Strategy

Harnessing Computer Animation: Transform Your Marketing Strategy

By Austin Visuals Blog
Itroduction to Computer Animation in Marketing Computer animation in marketing is a game-changer, setting a new standard for how brands engage with their audiences. Unlike traditional visual mediums, computer animation offers a limitless canvas where creativity meets technology, allowing marketers to bring their wildest visions to life. It's not just about creating ads; it's about crafting experiences that resonate on…
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