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Social Media: The Positives and Negatives

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Social Media in the Marking World

Almost everyone is in touch with social media today, whether it be Facebook or Snapchat. The marketing world has always tried to figure out the best way to reach new audiences, so why not use something that is already connecting everyone? As social networking has grown, it becomes increasingly difficult to navigate the spam.

Kathi Kruse perfectly sums up how to navigate the new medium that marketers use. (Read the full article here.)


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Social Media Outsourced

The pieces to the puzzle that must fit here are whether or not your business, your brand and your goals are suited for outsourced social media.

Positives of Social Media Outsourced:

  • You’ll have a presence on social media. Many small companies have little or no social media presence. Outsourced social media is a fine first step to take. As the client, you’ll learn more as you go and continue to make informed decisions.
  • Facebook ads are managed for you. Facebook advertising is essential to your lead generation success on Facebook. [The] ads management requires great skill. You can outsource this portion of your marketing more easily than you can content creation and publication. It’s a more “linear” job (“If you do this, then you get that.”) than the highly creative job of content.

Negatives of Social Media Outsourced:

  • Your content will suffer (read: be unsuccessful) unless you designate someone inside your organization to collaborate with your provider on content strategy and creation.
  • No one watches your brand like you do. No matter what the salesperson tells you, you and your employees are more connected to your customers. Outsourced providers are looking to scale, and [it] is not scalable.
  • Many providers who are interested in scaling their services won’t sit with you to discuss, educate, set goals and define strategy. They take it all away from you with a promise to deliver and that’s where things get murky.
  • For a provider with integrity and a quality product, it will be more expensive in the long run. This is an area where you definitely get what you pay for. Check references and certainly consider getting advice from an objective 3rd party social media consultant.

When it comes to social media in-house or outsourced, your decision is not an easy one. However, the more good information you get, the better you’ll feel about your decision. Salespeople can say many things and make it seem like their solution is the only one. But no one knows your business like you do so stand your ground and don’t say yes until you’re sure.

Talk it out. Get the answers you need, then take the actions that make you feel excited and happy.

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Austin Visuals is a full-service 3D, 2D, Motion Graphics, Live Video, E-learning, Digital Publication studio. We’ve been creating digital magic nationwide for a decade. We work with companies of all sizes from startup to standout. Call us for a free consultation.

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