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The Best 5 Animation Explainer Video Companies



Explainer videos are an effective way to convey a message quickly and easily. But, it’s not enough to just create a video that explains your product or service – you have to have animation that will capture the viewer’s attention and keep them engaged throughout the video. That’s why it’s important to choose the right animation explainer video company for your project. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at some of the top animation explainer video companies and what they can do for you. We’ll cover their services, pricing structure, examples of past work, and more so you can make an informed decision and find the right company to help tell your story.

In order to choose the top animation explainer video company for your needs, it is important to first understand what an animated explainer video is and does. An animated explainer video is a short online video used to market or promote a product or service. These videos are usually between one and five minutes long and use simple language and visuals to tell a story that explains what the product or service does.

The top animation explainer video companies are those that can create engaging, informative, and entertaining videos that help promote their client’s products or services. These companies use experienced animators and storytellers to create videos that capture the attention of viewers and help them understand complex concepts quickly and easily.


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    When choosing a company to produce your animated explainer video, it is important to consider their experience, portfolio, and price. The best way to find a reputable company is to ask for recommendations from other businesses or browse online portfolios. Once you have found a few companies you are interested in working with, request quotes from each one so you can compare prices and services offered.

    Top 5 Animation Explainer Video Companies

    #1.  Austin Visuals

    #2. Yum Yum Videos

    #3. Aha! Media Group

    #4. Doodly

    #5. Explain Ninja

    If you’re in need of a high quality, engaging explainer video for your business, you’ll want to work with one of the top animation explainer video companies. Here are our top 5 picks:

    1. Austin Visuals 3D Animation Studio

    Austin Visuals is a leading explainer video company that produces stunning videos that help businesses increase conversions and sales. Our team of experienced animators and marketers will work closely with you to create a custom video that tells your unique story and sells your products or services.

    2. Yum Yum Videos

    Yum Yum Videos is another excellent option for businesses looking for an explainer video company. They specialize in 2D animation and have a team of award-winning artists who will craft a beautiful and effective video for your brand.

    3. Aha! Media Group

    Aha! Media Group is a full-service creative agency that specializes in producing engaging explainer videos. Their team will work with you from start to finish to ensure your video is impactful and achieves your desired results.

    4. Doodly

    Doodly is a great option if you’re looking for an easy-to-use online platform to create your own animated videos. With Doodly, anyone can create professional-quality videos without any prior experience or design skills. Simply select from their library of Doodle characters and props, then add your own voiceover or script to create a unique and engaging explainer video.

    5. Explain Ninja

    Explain Ninja, an animation video production firm, operates as a subsidiary of Fireart Studio, a specialized design and software development company located in the vibrant city of Warsaw, Poland. They create explainer videos to assist businesses in conveying their messages to clients, enhancing their digital presence, and distinguishing themselves from the competition. They are proud to collaborate with innovative marketing agencies, startups, and large enterprises worldwide.

    Top Animation Explainer Video Companies

    Why you should use an animation explainer video company

    There are a few key reasons you should use an animation explainer video company when you need a video for your business.

    First, they will be able to help you storyboard and script the video so that it effectively communicates your message. They understand how to engage viewers and keep them watching until the end.

    Second, an animation explainer video company has access to high-quality animations and graphics that will make your video look professional and polished. This is important because it will reflect well on your brand and help you attract more customers.

    Third, these companies have a team of experts who can handle all aspects of the production process, from start to finish. This means you won’t have to worry about anything – you can just sit back and wait for your amazing video to be delivered.

    So if you’re looking for a top-notch explainer video that will help boost your business, be sure to use an animation explainer video company. You won’t regret it!

    How to choose the right company for you

    There are a few key factors to consider when choosing the right explainer video company for your needs. The first is to consider the size and scope of the project. If you have a large project, you’ll want to choose a company with the experience and manpower to handle it. Secondly, think about your budget and what you’re willing to spend on the project. Explainers can range in price, so it’s important to find a company that fits within your budget. Finally, take a look at the company’s portfolio and see if their style matches your vision for the project. Once you’ve considered these factors, you should be able to narrow down your options and choose the right company for you.

    Why You Should Choose Austin Visuals To Work With ?

    We’re proud to announce that Austin Visuals is the best Animation Explainer Video production company in the industry! Our team of experienced professionals are passionate about creating high-quality, custom explainer videos for businesses of all sizes. If you’re looking for an engaging way to explain your product or service, get in touch with us today!

    Our services:


    Explainer videos are an effective way to communicate your message and promote your product. The top animation explainer video companies on the market have the skills, techniques, and tools necessary to create a high-quality video that will best represent your brand. If you’re looking for reliable professionals who can produce excellent results, be sure to check out our list of top animation explainer video companies. With their help, you’ll be able to reach out more effectively to potential customers and make sure they remember your brand in the long run.

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