Every company starts with an idea
Someone has to wake up one day with the passion to create something from their idea. For some, it is art or food, but for others it is a business. When starting Austin Visuals our CEO Matt Winters kept the stereotypes of a CEO in mind. He did not want to be like every other CEO, but he did want to be successful. While researching how to be successful this article was one that remained with Matt through the creation of Austin Visuals. Written by Chris Matyszczyk, this article (found here) is one that Matt shares with the people we work with who are starting their own business. Without further ado, here is the one successful CEO habit according o Matyszczyk.
Scientists Studied the Daily Lives of 1,000 CEOs. Here’s the 1 Thing the Successful Ones Did
The algorithm was, apparently, agnostic. How odd. I generally find that algorithms tend to worship the God that created them.
Still, in the end the machines concluded that, in essence, some CEOs were down-in-the-dirt meddlers, while others enjoyed “relatively more interactions with C-suite executives, personal and virtual communications and planning, and meetings with a wide variety of internal functions and external stakeholders.”
The parts of the researchers’ conclusions I enjoyed most were their description of what CEOs did all day.
Many an employee would really like to know.
Well, CEOs spend 25 percent of their days alone. On the driving range, you might imagine. Or reading self-help books.
But here’s the part that made me reach hurriedly for a very fine glass of Cabernet Sauvignon: Ten percent of their days are spent on “personal matters.”
That’s not “personnel matters.” I can only guess it’s getting their hair coiffed and buying the odd yacht or two.
The researchers seem to lean the way of leaders — rather than managers — as the more successful CEOs. They do concede, however, that some businesses need a CEO who pokes his or her nose into everything.
Successful ceo habits – My own conclusion, then, is that the most successful CEOs are the ones who take a look at a company and then realize the sort of CEO this company actually needs.
And then deliver on that insight.
I should add that, in my experience, some of the most successful CEOs have been the ones who knew how to negotiate themselves a vast payoff, just before the excreta sailed inexorably toward the fan.
But it all depends how you measure success. Naturally, these researchers tended to look at painful concepts such as productivity and profitability.
Leader CEOs seem to have engendered greater rises in productivity.
Does that mean that people preferred to work for the leader types? I suspect so. They weren’t butting into their business so often, I imagine.
The successful CEO habit at Austin Visuals
Austin Visuals is a full-service 3D, 2D, Motion Graphics, Live Video, E-learning, Digital Publication studio. We’ve been creating digital magic nationwide for a decade. We work with companies of all sizes from startup to standout. Call us for a free consultation. [email protected]