When will email marketing strategies be too much for the consumers?
No one is safe from the mass sent emails that companies love to produce. Email marketing was a great strategy when emails we just becoming popular. Everyone checked their emails almost daily, but now they check emails if they are expecting something. With all the mass emails that companies send nowadays how can you make a stand out email marketed message?
1. Have an eye catching subject line
A great way to get people to click on your emails is to leave them wanting more. Your subject lines should include the point you want to get across but leaving out an important detail. For example, your company is sponsoring a coffee get together for young professionals in your area. A subject line you might want to try is “Expanding Your Resources With Coffee”. This will then have the receiver of the email ask the questions, how does coffee expand my resources?
2. Create a sense of urgency
Let’s say that your company is holding a 5K to raise funds for an organization. Your 5K has an end date for when people can sign up: the day of the race. However, you want people to sign up so they can tell their friends about the event. What do you do? Create a sense of urgency by saying the last day to register is a week in advance, or whatever date you pick. This date is not the end date that people have to register for the event, they can register the day of if you allow it. By telling your audience a day to register by, it creates a sense of urgency to sign up. An example of a subject line might be: “Time’s Running Out To Run For A Good Cause”. When people have something longer they tend to tell more people about it. “What are you doing next week” a coworker might ask to which they will respond “I am running a 5K for [your company]!” Now your company is introduced to more people, expanding your audience!
3. Reward Your Audience
who does not like a free gift or a coupon to their favorite store? Rewards are a great way to invite your audience in. New restaurants can find that challenge of people not wanting to pay money for something they might not like. By giving new customers a free side or a 20% off that entices them to want to come out and try it. Reward your customers for telling other people about your company. It is a great way to show your appreciation for those people who continually do business with you.
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